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This tour is designed not only for those visiting Gdańsk for the first time but also for those who have never delved into the fascinating stories hidden in its streets. During the tour, we will explore the most important areas of the historic city center, and I will share with you the key moments in Gdańsk's history, its buildings, and its people.

You will learn not only why this thousand-year-old city was once the largest and wealthiest in the Republic but also why World War II started here and why the Solidarity movement was born in Gdańsk. The tour is available in various timeframes and price options (optional paid admissions may apply).

The tour's theme is always tailored to the group, depending on its age, type (school, corporate, family), and the group's place of origin. Gdańsk has always been and remains a port city, with connections that can be found all over the world!

First time in Gdansk

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  2. en


+ 48 787 685 727

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